The GTM Launchpad Issue #41: Unveiling Sales Success

The Hidden Power of Personal Branding

Welcome to the GTM Launchpad newsletter! Each week, I will share with you a sales play to help you grow your business, level up your sales game, and find success in the trenches. I aim to provide you with actionable insights. Stay tuned for practical tips on cold calling, lead gen, and closing deals!

Hey everyone! As we dive into the heart of January I'm stoked to bring you a topic that's close to my heart and crucial in the sales world: Building a Strong Personal Brand.

This isn't just about getting likes on LinkedIn. It's about crafting an identity that resonates with clients and peers alike, setting you apart in this wild and competitive landscape

My brand-building journey

Flashback to 2020. I made my first post on LinkedIn. Now fast forward to today with 25k followers in my network I’ve learned a thing or two about personal branding. From podcast guesting to being recognized as a top sales influencer. Each step has been about more than just building a profile. It’s been about creating a voice and a presence that echoes in the industry corridors. Even when I'm not in the room

Why nail your personal branding?

Your personal brand is your career currency. It’s how people remember you, trust you and choose to do business with you. It’s more than an online presence. It’s how you’re perceived in every interaction, both online and offline. In a nutshell it’s your professional identity

🚀 Key strategies for brand building

Self-discovery: Understand your unique strengths and passions. What sets you apart?

Narrate your story: Share your experiences in a way that connects with your community and showcases your journey

Consistent online engagement: Be active on platforms like LinkedIn but remember to stay true to your voice. Dont force it. Show up and give value

Genuine interactions: Engage with your network sincerely. It’s not just about expanding your network but deepening connections

Strategic networking: Focus on building long lasting relationships that foster mutual growth. Get out there and mingle in the streets.

Transforming your personal brand: Before and after

  • Before: Random, sales centric posts

  • After: Regular, insightful content that adds value and reflects your unique perspective

  • Before: Networking for immediate returns

  • After: Cultivating long-term partnerships based on shared growth and values

One-word branding insight

Ever heard of one word branding? This ties into your personal brand and James Maxwell recently shared insights on this (check out his article here). It’s about distilling your professional identity into a single, powerful word. For me that word is 'Helpful’

Why 'Helpful'? Because at the heart of everything I do is the desire to support, guide and uplift. My LinkedIn headline "Your Future Homie In Law" isn't just a catchy phrase. It's a promise. I promise to be there for my community, clients, prospects and friends. I promise to be a reliable and supportive homie in every interaction I have. It's about ensuring no one feels they have to walk their path alone as I once did

This weeks challenge I have for you is to think about your own one word brand. What single word encapsulates your essence?

Remember it's more than just a word here it's a reflection of your unique approach and the value you bring. Let it be your guide and a beacon for others to understand who you are in this world. That is how you build a strong brand and have a north star in everything you do.

Now let’s dive into our feature of the week. A fan favorite and someone who has a strong personal brand themselves 👇

🌟 Feature of the Week: Back again Mr Jared Robin!

Jared is a force in building communities and personal brands. Not only has he propelled RevGenius to incredible heights as we have all seen and witnessed but he’s also a pillar in his own right on LinkedIn. His newsletter "The Collab" is packed with insights for anyone in the GTM space and his brand is a testament to strategic and authentic growth. If I had to define Jared with one word it would be “community”. He knows how to foster that wherever he goes and whoever he interacts with.

👉 I want to invite you to check out his insights and sign up for his newsletter "The Collab" here. It’s a wealth of knowledge for founders and GTM leaders week after week. He recently just crossed 3k subscribers in just under 4 months! Testament to its quality 🔥 

Now for the tool of the week… drumroll.. 🥁... AMBITION!

🔧 Tool of the Week: Ambition

Let's dive into a platform and org I'm genuinely passionate about - Ambition. For the past 3 years, I've been closely collaborating with these folks and recently I've stepped up as a Strategic Advisor| Brand Ambassador. Why? Because Ambition isn't just another tool. It's revolutionizing the approach to sales coaching and productivity.

Why Ambition stands out:

They are all about empowering front-line managers. Transforming them into force multipliers for your sales team.

Here's what it brings to the table:

Coaching orchestration: Provides real-time data and insights. Enabling managers to action behavior effectively and conduct impactful coaching

Performance intelligence: Drives sales activities, leading to more calls, meetings, pipeline and ultimately revenue!

Sales gamification: Adds a competitive edge to daily tasks. Boosting engagement and motivation

The impact speaks for itself:

515% ROI: As per a Forrester study Ambition delivers a staggering return on investment

Increased sales activity: Provides a 25% boost in key sales metrics

Time efficiency: This is a big one. Managers save over 90% of their time in running competitions and 7 hours weekly for high-value tasks

Improved retention: Keep your top talent with a 25% increase in rep retention

I've witnessed how this platform uniquely addresses challenges like consistent, impactful coaching and scaling sales efforts while maintaining a personal connection. It's not merely about harnessing data. It’s about transforming that data into meaningful conversations and actionable strategies in one’s coaching. Isn't that what we all strive for in our sales teams?

Speaking of impactful strategies I’m also thrilled to extend an invitation to you for a special event I got coming up with these folks. Brian Liebel and I are hosting and kicking off the 1st Coach’s Corner on January 31st at 2 pm CT. Think of this as an open, collaborative forum where we dive into the nitty gritty of sales strategies and practices.

Our first discussion is going to be all about fostering a phone-first culture within your sales team. Over the years we've seen how the art of calling can significantly influence sales outcomes.

It’s a chance for us to come together, share experiences and learn from each other in a open-ended discussion.

👉 Join us on the 31st [Register here]

And there you have it the nuts and bolts of building a personal brand that resonates in the world & the power of Ambition!

Remember your personal brand is much more than an online profile. It's the reputation that precedes you, the story that follows you and the value you bring to every interaction.

Keep shaping a brand that you're proud of. One that truly represents who you are and what you stand for. From there your sales, your relationships and your growth will follow 🤘

See you next week! ✌️

P.S. Would love to hear what you come up with for your one-word brand! Shoot me a reply or DM on Linkedin and LMK!

Thanks for reading, see you again next week at 8 am MST!

- Tom Slocum ✌️

Are you looking to level up your sales game or launch a successful GTM motion? The SD Lab has got you covered. Here are three ways I can help you transform your sales process and empower your team:

  • The Revenue Accelerator Program: Choose from three tailored packages for a 14-week intensive collaboration to supercharge your GTM motion. Together, we'll optimize the key pillars of People, Process, and Tech to maximize your sales results:

    • Basic Package: Benefit from in-depth analysis, recommendations, and essential tech stack evaluations to improve your sales process and team performance.

    • Standard Package: Enjoy a customized sales playbook, advanced tech stack optimization, and priority support for a more comprehensive solution.

    • Premium Package: Experience a complete sales process overhaul, full tech stack implementation support, and ongoing team coaching for the ultimate sales transformation.

  • Custom Sales Playbook Design: Collaborate with me to create a tailored playbook that aligns with your unique value proposition, target audience, and sales process. Equip your team with the knowledge and strategies they need to close more deals and boost revenue.

  • Team Coaching Packages: Elevate your team's performance with my 4-week, 8-week, or 12-week coaching programs. Focusing on the top of the funnel, I provide personalized feedback and actionable tips to help your team reach their full potential and achieve up to a 20%+ increase in meetings booked and pipeline generated.

Unlock the power of the SD Lab and start your journey to sales success today!