The GTM Launchpad Issue #47: Mastering Resilience in Sales

Your Guide to Bouncing Back Stronger

Welcome to the GTM Launchpad newsletter! Each week, I will share with you a sales play to help you grow your business, level up your sales game, and find success in the trenches. I aim to provide you with actionable insights. Stay tuned for practical tips on cold calling, lead gen, and closing deals!

Hey folks welcome to March! We’re staring down the last stretch of Q1 and it’s the perfect time to chat about something super important yet often glossed over in sales: being resilient 💪

The last eight weeks have been a wild ride for me. It’s been one of those times when nothing seemed to go right and everything felt ten times harder

But here’s the thing - it’s during these tough times that resilience becomes our best buddy in sales right?

So let’s talk about what kept me going and how these strategies can help you too

There's this idea of the "7 Cs" of resilience that really hit home for me 👇

1️⃣ Competence: Knowing your stuff cold. The more I knew the more I could handle whatever came my way

2️⃣ Confidence: Trusting in what I could do. Each little win helped build this backup

3️⃣ Connection: Reaching out to my squad for pep talks and advice. Never underestimate a good venting session

4️⃣ Character: Sticking to what I believe in. No matter what. Keeps you grounded

5️⃣ Contribution: Focusing on what I could give rather than what I was getting. This was a game changer

6️⃣ Coping: Finding healthier ways to deal with stress. For me, that meant hitting the gym and trying to meditate (and a little NBA 2K game time 😎) 

7️⃣ Control: Figuring out what I could actually change and what was out of my hands. Spoiler: there’s a lot we can’t control and that’s okay

These "7 Cs" weren’t just a lifeline. They were my north star through the storm these past few weeks and guess what? They’re not just for weathering bad times. They’re about making us stronger, smarter, and ready for whatever comes next in our sales journey 💪 (cuz let’s be honest life is about seasons and you will go through another)

So as we power through to the end of this quarter let’s keep resilience in our back pocket ya?

Whether you're launching a startup, leading a sales team or grinding through your SDR/AE role remember: resilience isn’t about avoiding the punches. It’s about rolling with them and coming back stronger 🤘

Now as we wrap our chat on resilience let’s not forget that part of bouncing back is surrounding ourselves with the right people and tools

Let’s shine a spotlight on a couple of standouts in our community this week 👇

Feature of the Week: Joshua Bailey

This week let’s give a huge shoutout to Joshua Bailey a true embodiment of resilience in action. From selling fruit off trees to becoming a beacon of positivity and ambition in the sales world Josh’s journey is proof that resilience pays off.

His approach to business – valuing human connection over pitches and embracing remote work is something we can all learn from.

Josh and I connected through LinkedIn and our chats have been nothing short of inspiring. From me sending him a mini emergency kit pre-Cali trip to sharing sales insights together he has become a true homie-in-law

For a dose of creativity, leadership and a roadmap to achieving your sales and marketing goals give Josh a follow: Joshua Bailey on LinkedIn.

Tool of the Week:

Now onto! In the world of sales and marketing we know content is king but not all of us are Shakespeare right?

Well that’s where steps in. With my buddy Kyle Coleman rocking it as their new CMO is transforming how we craft content. Whether it’s sprucing up your sales emails, generating social media posts or even personal projects they are your go-to for creativity on demand.

Check out what the buzz is about: 🤘

As we wrap up remember that resilience in sales isn't just about getting through the tough times. It's about emerging from them more determined, more focused and ready to tackle whatever comes next.

Here's to not just surviving the sales game but thriving in it. Let's make March a month of remarkable comebacks, strategic wins and personal growth.

Keep pushing, keep growing, and most importantly, keep resilient.

Until next time ✌️

Thanks for reading, see you again next week at 8 am MST!

- Tom Slocum ✌️

Are you looking to level up your sales game or launch a successful GTM motion? The SD Lab has got you covered. Here are three ways I can help you transform your sales process and empower your team:

  • The Revenue Accelerator Program: Choose from three tailored packages for a 14-week intensive collaboration to supercharge your GTM motion. Together, we'll optimize the key pillars of People, Process, and Tech to maximize your sales results:

    • Basic Package: Benefit from in-depth analysis, recommendations, and essential tech stack evaluations to improve your sales process and team performance.

    • Standard Package: Enjoy a customized sales playbook, advanced tech stack optimization, and priority support for a more comprehensive solution.

    • Premium Package: Experience a complete sales process overhaul, full tech stack implementation support, and ongoing team coaching for the ultimate sales transformation.

  • Custom Sales Playbook Design: Collaborate with me to create a tailored playbook that aligns with your unique value proposition, target audience, and sales process. Equip your team with the knowledge and strategies they need to close more deals and boost revenue.

  • Team Coaching Packages: Elevate your team's performance with my 4-week, 8-week, or 12-week coaching programs. Focusing on the top of the funnel, I provide personalized feedback and actionable tips to help your team reach their full potential and achieve up to a 20%+ increase in meetings booked and pipeline generated.

Unlock the power of the SD Lab and start your journey to sales success today!