The GTM Launchpad Issue #48: Automate to Elevate!

Streamlining Success: Sales Automation Unlocked

Welcome to the GTM Launchpad newsletter! Each week, I will share with you a sales play to help you grow your business, level up your sales game, and find success in the trenches. I aim to provide you with actionable insights. Stay tuned for practical tips on cold calling, lead gen, and closing deals!

Hey Hey! Ready to supercharge your sales process? This week we're zeroing in on sales automation - your secret sauce for maximizing efficiency and supercharging your sales efforts

Imagine if every repetitive task, every bit of data analysis and every follow-up could be handled not just quickly but effectively. Leaving you free to focus on what truly matters—connecting with and closing those prospects 🤔

So Why Dive into Sales Automation?

In this era where every second can lead to a closed deal or a missed opportunity sales automation isn't just a nice-to-have. It's essential.

It’s not about removing the personal touch from sales rather it's about enhancing your abilities, ensuring you're reaching out in the most effective, personalized way possible.

Whether you're a founder eyeing scalability, a sales leader nurturing a high-performing team or an SDR seeking more meaningful interactions sales automation is the boost your playbook needs 🤘

Sales Automation in Action

For Founders: Think of automation as the ultimate scaling tool. With it, you can ensure that your outreach feels personal and timely without needing a huge team to make it happen. Imagine systems that help you keep track of every prospect interaction, so no follow-up falls through the cracks.

For Sales leaders: Empower your team with tools that automate the grunt work. This means your team spends less time inputting data and more time strategizing the best ways to connect with and win over prospects. Sales automation tools can provide insights into what strategies are working best, making your team smarter and more effective.

For SDRs: Let’s get real—nobody enjoys the busy work. Automation tools can take care of scheduling, follow-up emails, and even lead qualification allowing you to focus on crafting the perfect pitch and building those crucial relationships. You know the stuff that matters!

Practical Steps to Embrace Sales Automation

Streamline your outreach: You can use tools that can automate your initial contact with prospects. This could mean automated but personalized emails or setting up systems that alert you to the best time to reach out.

Enhance your insights: Tools that offer deep insights into your prospects/customers can transform how you approach sales. Suddenly every call or email is informed by data. Increasing your chances of hitting the mark

Close deals faster: From automated proposals to electronic signatures you can make the closing process as seamless as possible. No more back-and-forth emails—just a smooth path from proposal to signed contract

Beyond the Basics: Sales Automation and AI

We're not just talking about setting up a few email sequences and calling it a day. Sales automation especially when combined with AI can offer predictive insights. Helping you understand not just where you’ve been successful but where your best opportunities lie in the future.

For instance AI can analyze your past deals to identify patterns in successful closures, suggest the next best action with a current prospect based on those patterns or even help prioritize your leads based on their likelihood to close. This kind of insight doesn’t just save time. It makes your entire sales process more effective

Wrapping Up: Sales Automation as Your Secret Weapon

Sales automation is not just a tool but a necessity for those looking to stay ahead. It’s about making every action count, every outreach personalized and every decision data-informed. It’s your secret weapon in making sales less of a grind and more of a game. A game you’re set to win 🤘

Remember the goal of sales automation isn’t to turn sales into a soulless machine but to give you the space to bring more of yourself to every deal, strategy, and connection.

Let's automate the mundane and focus on what truly moves the needle

Building those invaluable human connections that drive sales forward 💪

Feature of the Week: Matthew Lakajev

Now speaking of automation wizards let me introduce you to Matthew Lakajev.

Matt's not just another “guru” he's in the trenches proving every day that with the right strategy (and a bit of AI magic) you can transform LinkedIn into a lead-generating powerhouse.

I've been vibing with Matt for a year and his program is the real deal. Want to up your automation game? Matt's your guy

Go check out his LinkedIn and hit that connect/follow button


Tool of the Week: Rightbound

Meet Rightbound y’all. A game changer in the world of sales automation that's redefining efficiency for sales teams.

Rightbound doesn’t just automate tasks. It revolutionizes your entire approach to sales prospecting and engagement. It's designed to take the heavy lifting out of finding and connecting with prospects. Making your sales process as smooth as possible.

With these folks you get a partner that intelligently automates the prospecting process. Ensuring your team focuses on what they do best—building relationships and closing deals. From identifying potential leads to initiating the first contact their platform streamlines these steps.

Imagine having a system that not only automates outreach but also learns and adapts based on what's working. That’s Rightbound for you. It’s about making smarter connections faster, and backed by data driven insights to ensure your outreach is always on point

Check them out and see how they can turbocharge your team's efficiency

Upcoming Event: The 5th Phonathon

Last but not least mark your calendars y’all for March 28th, 8 AM to 12 PM PST. Join me, Maren Erickson, and our awesome sponsors Ambition, GetReplicate, Glencoco, and Sendoso for our 5th Phonathon.

We're live-streaming cold calls on LinkedIn and YouTube and whether you want to jump in the hot seat, coach, or spotlight your brand it's the place to be.

Sign up here and let's make some noise together!

There you have it folks! Sales automation is your ticket to maximizing efficiency and crushing those Q1 goals. Remember it's not just about doing more; it's about doing it smarter.

Let's automate, elevate, and dominate this month 🚀

Keep pushing forward

Thanks for reading, see you again next week at 8 am MST!

- Tom Slocum ✌️

Are you looking to level up your sales game or launch a successful GTM motion? The SD Lab has got you covered. Here are three ways I can help you transform your sales process and empower your team:

  • The Revenue Accelerator Program: Choose from three tailored packages for a 14-week intensive collaboration to supercharge your GTM motion. Together, we'll optimize the key pillars of People, Process, and Tech to maximize your sales results:

    • Basic Package: Benefit from in-depth analysis, recommendations, and essential tech stack evaluations to improve your sales process and team performance.

    • Standard Package: Enjoy a customized sales playbook, advanced tech stack optimization, and priority support for a more comprehensive solution.

    • Premium Package: Experience a complete sales process overhaul, full tech stack implementation support, and ongoing team coaching for the ultimate sales transformation.

  • Custom Sales Playbook Design: Collaborate with me to create a tailored playbook that aligns with your unique value proposition, target audience, and sales process. Equip your team with the knowledge and strategies to close more deals and boost revenue.

  • Team Coaching Packages: Elevate your team's performance with my 4-week, 8-week, or 12-week coaching programs. Focusing on the top of the funnel, I provide personalized feedback and actionable tips to help your team reach their full potential and achieve up to a 20%+ increase in meetings booked and pipeline generated.

Unlock the power of the SD Lab and start your journey to sales success today!