The GTM Launchpad Issue #50: Lead Like a Pro

Elevating Your Team's Performance

Welcome to the GTM Launchpad newsletter! Each week, I will share a sales play to help you grow your business, level up your sales game, and succeed in the trenches. I aim to provide you with actionable insights. Stay tuned for practical tips on cold calling, lead gen, and closing deals!

Hey Sales Family!

What a week at The SD Lab! We've been living in the fast lane between strategizing in deep dives and winning pitches.

From nailing 7 demos to locking down a potentially game changing partnership, it’s clear—when we know who we’re here to serve, we’re unstoppable!

As we build this momentum, let’s talk about something that’s as crucial as any strategy or tool—leadership in sales.

It’s not just about guiding—it’s about transforming potential into performance.

Sponsor - Evabot

Is admin work slowing you down? Say hello to Evabot, your new AI-powered sidekick. With Evabot you can kiss goodbye to the tedious bits of sales processes and say hello to streamlined efficiency. This tool isn’t just about working faster. It’s about working smarter.

Ready to turbocharge your sales? Dive into the future with Evabot and keep your focus where it should be—on closing those deals.

Find out more about how Evabot can revolutionize your sales approach

Leadership on and off the Court: Energizing Your Sales Team

On Saturday I got a powerful reminder of what real leadership looks like—not from the boardroom but from the basketball court during my son Adam’s games.

Here’s the scoop: The first game was tough. Our coach wasn’t really engaging, and well we got crushed 38-4. Adam scored all our points! Seeing the team so disconnected, I jumped in.

By the second game, after a few strategic pep talks and drills, even though we lost 28-6, the team’s energy had transformed. They played together, their defense was up, and the vibe? Totally electrified.

This experience hit home about sales leadership. It’s not about just overseeing. It’s about diving in, guiding, and igniting passion.

Here’s how you can bring this dynamic energy to your sales teams ⬇️

1. Step In and Energize: Don’t be a sideline coach. Get involved. Offer realtime feedback and actionable advice, not just during reviews but during the daily grind.

2. Empower with Trust: Let your team make calls and own their decisions. This trust builds confidence and transforms them into proactive players who own their outcomes.

3. Keep Communication Fluid: Open lines of communication are crucial. It ensures everyone is aligned and can voice concerns or share victories at any moment.

4. Lead by Example: Your team looks to you. Your commitment, energy, and dedication are contagious. Show up every day ready to give 100%, and they will too.

5. Invest in Growth: Provide training and development opportunities. Show your team that you’re invested in their growth just as much as they should be.

6. Celebrate the Small Wins: Just like cheering for small improvements at a kids' basketball game, recognize the small wins your team makes. It boosts morale and encourages continuous effort.

7. Encourage Team Spirit: Foster a sense of camaraderie. Just like a sports team, a sales team thrives on mutual support and shared goals

These principles aren’t just about improving sales figures. They’re about building a team that’s resilient, motivated, and genuinely excited to play the game every day.

Just like we turned around that second basketball game, you can turn everyday challenges into wins with the right leadership approach.

So are you ready to step up and lead your team to victory? Whether it's rallying from a tough quarter or navigating a big deal, remember, great leaders make great teams. Let’s make leadership the game changer in your sales arena! 🏀🤘

Now I’d love to hear from you. Have you had a moment where stepping up as a leader made a difference? Or are you looking for tips on a specific leadership challenge? Shoot me a reply and/or questions —let’s win together!

This Week’s Star: Elizabeth Andrew

Shoutout to Elizabeth Andrew, a titan in SaaS sales and a master of leadership.

Elizabeth has not only dominated sales cycles but has also guided teams through significant growth. Her approach—rooted in honesty, transparency, and relentless pursuit of excellence—sets a stellar example for any sales leader.

From tech executive to influential coach, Elizabeth’s journey is packed with lessons on leadership and success.

Check out her journey and connect for some invaluable insights here.

Explore. Engage. Evolve.

Video of the Week: Dive into "57 Minutes of Sales Training That Will Explode Your Sales in 2024" by Jeremy Miner for groundbreaking sales strategies. Watch it here.

Fun Fact: Did you know coffee was originally chewed, not sipped? Early East African tribes mixed the beans with fat to create energy rich snacks!

Book of the Month: Need a transformative read? “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown is a life-changer. Get your copy here

Bonus Sales Insights

Executive Quote Highlight: Use a quote from an executive in your email subject lines. It shows you’ve done your homework and personalizes your outreach. Here’s a tool I use to nail this strategy: RB2B. Shoutout to Morgan J Ingram for this one!

Pre-Call Video Briefs: Send a quick personalized video before your calls. It warms up your prospects and makes your interactions more engaging

Referral Leverage: After every successful deal, ask for a referral. It’s a simple yet powerful way to expand your network and find new opportunities

That’s a wrap for this week! I'd love to hear what's working for you in your sales journey. Share your experiences and let's continue to grow and succeed together

Catch you in the next one ✌️


P.S. - Upcoming Webinar Alert!

Join me on April 17th for an exciting webinar with about Active Listening, a crucial skill for boosting your sales success. Don't miss out on learning strategies that can take your sales conversations to the next level.

Register here and elevate your sales game!

Thanks for reading, see you again next week at 8 am MST!

- Tom Slocum ✌️

Are you looking to level up your sales game or launch a successful GTM motion? The SD Lab has got you covered. Here are three ways I can help you transform your sales process and empower your team:

  • The Revenue Accelerator Program: Choose from three tailored packages for a 14-week intensive collaboration to supercharge your GTM motion. Together, we'll optimize the key pillars of People, Process, and Tech to maximize your sales results:

    • Basic Package: Benefit from in-depth analysis, recommendations, and essential tech stack evaluations to improve your sales process and team performance.

    • Standard Package: Enjoy a customized sales playbook, advanced tech stack optimization, and priority support for a more comprehensive solution.

    • Premium Package: Experience a complete sales process overhaul, full tech stack implementation support, and ongoing team coaching for the ultimate sales transformation.

  • Custom Sales Playbook Design: Collaborate with me to create a tailored playbook that aligns with your unique value proposition, target audience, and sales process. Equip your team with the knowledge and strategies they need to close more deals and boost revenue.

  • Team Coaching Packages: Elevate your team's performance with my 4-week, 8-week, or 12-week coaching programs. Focusing on the top of the funnel, I provide personalized feedback and actionable tips to help your team reach their full potential and achieve up to a 20%+ increase in meetings booked and pipeline generated.

Unlock the power of the SD Lab and start your journey to sales success today!